Born in October 2016, the UP&S DITEX is the result of several years of close collaboration between the University of Lorraine and Dassault Systèmes.

The creation of this center of expertise is part of a twofold desire: that of the University of Lorraine, which appears in his strategic plan, its objective to establish alliances with the economic actors and to contribute to regional and national economic rebound .

The French government is mobilizing alongside industry with the program Industrie du Futur, which aims at the reindustrialization of France and its modernization. The program Alliance pour l’industrie du Futur co-chaired by the directors of Fives and Dassault Systèmes, are involved in the operational part.

The DITEX (Digital Industry Tools EXperts) unit has the ambition to assist universities to lead this transition.

It will have to advise and assist them to find the most relevant solutions according to their fields of competence but also their way of development.

In this context, Dassault Systèmes and the University of Lorraine formalized their privileged relationships and created a Business Unit Center of expertise to develop new actions. The DITEX unit will be the operational part of all the components of the UL whose missions reach a large public (students, teachers, UL partners …)

The objective is to train as many future decision-makers with modern tools that will become the actors of this change once in the professional world. A second objective is the international reach of our University, to promote the excellence of French Higher Education training program with new pedagogical concepts such as bringing together the world of training in business management and engineering

Nidhal Rezg

General Director